Category Archives: MAVRIC Events

What a Year for MAVRIC!

The 2017-2018 year has been a year of accountability, movement, and change. Those who’ve been silenced are using their voices to speak out against sexual and interpersonal violence in a multitude of ways. To witness the significant impact the #Metoo movement has made, including creating the platform for increased public conversations around Toxic Masculinity, has been amazing. The MAVRIC (Men’s Allied Voices for a Respectful and Inclusive Community) Project has had the opportunity to lead discussions on campus on how identifying and challenging Toxic Masculinity contributes to both the emotional as well as physical safety of all of us.

Click here to access MAVRIC’s newsletter that highlights some of the things we’ve been up to during the year: 2017-2018 MAVRIC Newsletter.


MAVRIC Events Archives

You throw like a girl
You throw like a girl! with Don McPherson


Guy Fi
Guy Fi: The Fictions that Shape Men’s Lives with Dr. Chris Kilmartin


The Silent Sex poster
The Silent Sex with Dr. Tali Mendelberg
MAVRIC & PWMP study break 4.11.16
MAVRIC & PWMP study break
Muslim Masculinity in an Age of Feminism (2)
Muslim Masculinity in an Age of Feminism


Women and Eating Clubs Panel
Women and Eating Clubs Panel